CAUL Advisory Committees

The Space Race

Geoffrey Little, The Space Race, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Available online 12 June 2013

One of the most pressing and troubling issues on college and university campuses and in academic libraries around the world is not technology or budgets or copyright, but space. There is not enough of it to go round, but everyone needs more of it. … As well, think about all the universities that were established around the world, but particularly in North America, Australia, and Britain, during the 1960s and 70s to educate the “Baby Boomers.” At many of these institutions, the social science and humanities library is one of the most prominent and largest buildings on campus, occupying a huge amount of space to house print collections. Three decades later, however, most academic libraries are running out of space if they have not already. We are dealing with print journal and monograph collections that are seeing less and less use and shifts in collection development that give priority to electronic books and book packages, patron driven acquisition, and consortial or collaborative collecting.

Filed under: Learning & Teaching, Learning Spaces

Weekend Reading: the MOOC Catchup Edition

In the Chronicle of Higher Education’s 14 June ProfHacker blog,  Adeline Koh pulls together a number of recent posts and articles on MOOCs, from a variety of perspectives.

Full article:

Filed under: Learning & Teaching, MOOCs